Kane County Democratic News

Kane Dems June Newsletter




Precinct Committeeperson Training

Join us on Tuesday June 26th for an ILDCCA-led precinct committeeperson training! Find out more about canvassing your community, talking with your neighbors, and even some VoteBuilder tips and tricks – there will be something for everyone! If you’re on the fence about becoming a PC, please consider attending to learn more information. Appointment forms will be available.

If you plan on attending, please RSVP by clicking on the button below so that we can be sure to provide enough handout materials for everyone. 

We look forward to seeing you there!


RSVP for PC Training

Tuesday June 26th
7:30 – 9:30pm
719 S Batavia Ave. Geneva – County Building A

March with the Kane Dems at Swedish Days

Calling all Democrats! Swedish Days is quickly approaching and WE NEED YOU to march with us!

When: Sunday June 24th, line-up at noon – parade steps off at 1:00pm
Where: Drop off at Center & Logan streets near Geneva High School – we are #62 in the parade
Attire: Please wear your Democratic shirts, hats, buttons, or stickers! Be sure to wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather. 
Signs: All signs need to have positive messaging only
Handouts: Candidates can disperse literature but unfortunately no candy and no other handouts from the actual walking unit


Upcoming Events and Fundraisers

Moday June 11th | Dundee Township Democrats Meeting, 7:00pm
Monday June 11th |
Paul Stoddard (Dist. 70) Fundraiser, 7:00pm
Tuesday June 12th |
Karina Villa (Dist. 49) Fundraiser, 5:00pm
Thursday June 14th |
Batavia Township Democrats Meeting, 7:00pm
Thursday June 14th |
Aurora Township Democrats Meeting, 7:30pm
Tuesday June 19th |
Elgin Dems Potluck & Meeting, 6:30pm
Wednesday June 20th |
Blackberry, Sugar Grove, & Campton Hills Democrats Meeting, 6:30pm 
Wednesday June 20th |
Nancy Zettler & Richard Johnson Fundraiser, 7:00pm
Thursday June 21st |
Geneva Township Democrats Meeting, 7:30pm
Saturday June 23rd |
Elgin Democrats Ice Cream Social, 1:00pm

Have a township event or fundraiser you would like to see added to the Kane County Democrats calendar? Let us know! 

Email Us!

Our Candidates

Congratulations to all of our Kane County Democratic candidates!

County Board

District 1:  Myrna Molina
District 3: Anita Marie Lewis
District 5: Sandra King
District 7:  Monica Silva
District 11: Jody Kanikula
District 13: Lark Cowart
District 15: Lucas Strom
District 17: Deborah Allen
District 19: Mo Iqbal
District 21: Tara Jacobsen
District 23: Chris Kious


Sheriff: Ron Hain

Treasurer: Jason Snelson

Clerk: Nico Jimenez

Connect With Us

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Kane County Democrats
473 Dunham Rd
St Charles, IL 60174-1405
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