Having reached the nominating deadline of 5:00 pm March 30, 2020, the Kane County Democrats County Convention Ballot is now finalized.
Candidate for Chair is Mark Guethle of Batavia 21.
Candidate for Treasurer is Michael Lowery of Batavia 19.
Having nominated the above elected Precinct Committeepeople for the Officer positions of Chair and Treasurer and having been the only nominations for these respective offices (Mark Guethle for Chair and Michael Lowery for Treasurer), I declare Mark Guethle of Batavia 21 the winner for Chair of the Kane County Democrats and Michael Lowery of Batavia 19 the winner for Treasurer of the Kane County Democrats.
The election of 1st Vice Chair, 2nd Vice Chair, Secretary, Parliamentarian, and Sergeant at Arms will all be held at a later date.
If there are any questions or concerns please let me know.
Nico Jimenez
Election Manager
Kane County Democrats