Kane County Democratic News

Kane GOP event fails to address issues


I am writing this in response to the recent Chronicle article highlighting the “excitement” around the Republican Party lineup for 2024.

I am disappointed that there was a lack of substance on issues that are important to women and families in Kane County. There was no mention of their support of women’s reproductive health care, how they would tackle the cost of child care, the immigration crisis, do they support common sense gun safety, the freedom to read what we want to read, climate issues that relate to the Fox River, our source for water.

Instead they focused on their lack of money and lack of support from the unions. Why would a union want to support a party whose person running for Congress in the 8th District wants to abolish the Department of Education? Teachers are in unions.

The press conference would have been more exciting had they discussed their stands on issues important to their constituents.

I look forward to hearing them in forums that will be held and actually hear what they think and be able to compare their thoughts to their opponents. Hopefully they will not avoid these events.

We need to know who will support keeping our democracy.

Sue Sanders
St. Charles

Originally posted on https://stcharles.kcchronicle.com