Paid organizer with Koch funded Americans for Prosperity speaks at Kane County Board meeting
At the August 13 Board meeting, there was a young woman named Cecilia Brooks. She explained that she was a first generation citizen as her parents immigrated to the US. She explained that she was grateful for her opportunities in the United States and while she isn’t against immigration per se, she says that Kane County’s Sanctuary status is hurting our community.
First, not the Kane County Board but certainly NOT the chairwoman has anything to do with the Illinois Trust Act. This was signed into law by Governor Rauner years ago to ensure that undocumented immigrants didn’t avoid working with local police in investigating crimes. The phrase, “Sanctuary county” was created as a result of this Act signed into law by Republicans.
Secondly, Kane County has not seen an influx of immigrants coming to the area. To heighten fears over something that isn’t even happening is partisan and ridiculous.
Finally, Corinne has repeatedly said she has NO INTENTION of allowing for settlements or housing any immigrants in our county.
While Cecilia may live in Kane County and is posing as an ordinary citizen, in reality, she is a paid organizer with Americans for Prosperity, which is a Koch brothers backed and funded libertarian group.
It seems a rather desperate attempt by the Warriors to recruit a paid actor to fight a NON ISSUE.
Trying to make Chairwoman Peirog the target of this attack is dishonest at best and misleading to the entire community. Get the facts, know the truth and stop the nonsense by wasting our Board’s time.