A fundraiser for candidate Lance Bell running for Kane County Chair will take place on Tuesday, October 15 where John Anthony, Lance Bell and Chris Lauzen will be featured speakers. These three “special” guests are considered worthy leaders within the Republican party. Any modern woman living in the 2024 should consider the behavior of these three gentlemen before ever supporting them in any election.
John Anthony, is a former State Representative. “Former” – because he was fired 5 days after a holiday party where he was video recorded sexually assaulting a woman. Several other women at the same party had also complained about his inappropriate comments and unwanted touching. He currently speaks on a conservative radio show prophesying God and Country.
Lance Bell, the Republican candidate himself – published a book in 2018 called, The Marriage You Do Not Deserve. In it, he offers marriage advice. Among many offensive statements concerning modern day women, he advises…
- “Wives are to submit to the authority of the husband, wives must fulfill their husbands need for sexual intimacy via a quickie, even though the wife is not often sexually satisfied this way.”
- “The wife is not commanded to ‘love’ her husband; rather she is to ‘respect’ him…The wife cannot be expected to actively participate in every engagement.”
- “Wives can assist their husbands by creating short lists of items that need attention around the house. The husband can select and complete items as they desire… This is called the “Nookie List” tying service to reward – sexual intimacy…If there is a list, there will be checkmarks, and of course later that night, nookie.”
What Decade Is Lance Bell Living In?!
Bell’s sexist views on marriage underscore outdated ideas of a “dominant” man and a “submissive” woman. He believes a woman’s self worth can only be found in serving and satisfying her husband. This repulsive view of marriage has, and will continue, to set women back centuries, and his statements should absolutely not be tolerated in today’s society.
And finally, Chris Lauzen, the current Kane County Treasurer – settled a 2017 case and paid $136,000 to a former female employee who had worked at the County for 23 years – all while he was serving as Kane County Chair. He did not run again for Chair in the following election cycle, but he did return to run for treasurer in 2022.
Then, in May 2023, a second woman – one with 17 years of employment at the County – was paid $46,000 in a separation agreement between her and Treasurer Lauzen. It is especially concerning that County board approval was not required for the separation agreement because Lauzen’s office had internal control over the process.
There are many unanswered questions about Lauzen paying off women to leave their positions. The vice chair of the Kane County Board asked for an independent investigation into events leading up to the most recent separation agreement, saying: “What really happened? Is this yet another instance where (Lauzen) is accused of harassment, intimidation and demotion? Regardless, this is a pattern of despicable behavior.”
Several years ago, the Republican party was known as the party of family values and morality. Today, Republicans are featuring assaulters, misogynists, and chauvinists as “special guests” during campaign events. These individuals are morally corrupt and out of touch with today’s culture and society.