Kane County Democratic News

Kane County Sales Tax Referendum | Vote YES for a Safer Kane County

On the April 1st ballot in Kane County is a referendum asking the voters to approve a 0.75% tax on sales in Kane County.

This tax is designed to bolster the finances of the county’s court system and the county’s sheriff’s department. The county’s board has not raised our property taxes in more than 10 years. What do you buy that the price has not risen in 10 years? County government hasn’t gone up in 10 years.

These two departments; courts and law enforcement need additional revenue to apprehend and prosecute law breakers. Simple as that.

A healthy community is a safe community. 

We need a court system that not only adjudicates law breakers but helps first time offenders back to the path of lawful citizenship. This sales tax will help do that.

We need law enforcement that is prepared and able to address the various safety situations confronting our citizens.  This sales tax will help do that.

I urge the voters in Kane County to vote yes to continue to make Kane County a desirable, safe place to live.

Phil Heil

Learn more about the Kane County sales tax referendum at kanesafe.org.