Join the Dundee Democrats on the 2nd Monday of every month for their township meetings.
The Kane County Democrats will be doing our annual Adopt a Highway cleanup on May 20th at 5:00pm. Pizza and light snacks will be provided beforehand.
Please meet at Steve’s house, 1707 Patricia Lane St Charles, and after pizza, we will clean the west side of Kirk Rd between Division and Main St in St Charles. We will have garbage bags and gloves. Dress appropriately for the weather. It is NOT rain or shine, but baring that we will be good to go.
Please RSVP with Steve for purposes of food.
Once a month on Saturdays from 10-11am, join Rep Hirschauer to hear what has been going on in Springfield, in her office, and in the 49th District. She’ll answer questions and learn about the issues that are most important to you.