Join the Dundee Democrats on the 2nd Monday of every month for their township meetings.
The Aurora Township Democrats are sponsoring a Candidate Forum on Zoom for all Democrats running for Township Office. To date, the majority of the candidates plan to participate. It will be at 7:00 on January 14th. The Zoom link will be sent to you the day before the Forum.
To RSVP, please email:
Join the Dundee Democrats on the 2nd Monday of every month for their township meetings.
Once a month on Saturdays from 10-11am, join Rep Hirschauer to hear what has been going on in Springfield, in her office, and in the 49th District. She’ll answer questions and learn about the issues that are most important to you.
Once a month on Saturdays from 10-11am, join Rep Hirschauer to hear what has been going on in Springfield, in her office, and in the 49th District. She’ll answer questions and learn about the issues that are most important to you.
Join the Dundee Democrats on the 2nd Monday of every month for their township meetings.
Once a month on Saturdays from 10-11am, join Rep Hirschauer to hear what has been going on in Springfield, in her office, and in the 49th District. She’ll answer questions and learn about the issues that are most important to you.
Once a month on Saturdays from 10-11am, join Rep Hirschauer to hear what has been going on in Springfield, in her office, and in the 49th District. She’ll answer questions and learn about the issues that are most important to you.
Join the Dundee Democrats on the 2nd Monday of every month for their township meetings.