Kane County Democratic News
vote no on lance bell flyer 1

Lance Bell Campaign Finance Irregularities

Concerned that Mr. Lance Bell, candidate for the Kane County Board, is not being honest by not reporting all of his campaign income and expenditures.
political yard signs kane county clerk office october 2024

RE: The GOP’s False Attacks About Sign Theft

The Kane County Democrats have never made it our policy to steal signs, condemn the theft of signs, and will always strive for fairly conducted elections.
asian elephants ass in closed up

A Sexist “Special” Guest Lineup for Republican Lance Bell’s Fundraiser 

Republicans are featuring assaulters, misogynists, and chauvinists as "special guests"...morally corrupt and out of touch with today’s culture and society.
discovering the truth

Stop the fear-mongering, get the FACTS – and STOP wasting everyone’s time!

Instead of continuing to do good things for Kane County, the Board is having to spend valuable time listening to NON – ISSUE complaints.
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Happy Labor Day to Everyone Except Donald Trump and JD Vance

Donald Trump was one of the most anti-worker and anti-union presidents in American history and JD Vance stands firmly against working people and has opposed legislation to protect unions.
project 2025

Project 2025 is a Threat to Democracy

Project 2025 is the far-right extremists’ vision for America. It’s a plan that has been formed by politically powerful allies and supporters of Donald Trump that he will implement if he wins a second presidential term in 2024.
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Kane GOP event fails to address issues

I am writing this in response to the recent Chronicle article highlighting the “excitement” around the Republican Party lineup for 2024...
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Kane County needs updated election systems to ensure fair elections

A $2 million grant to replace the current system would go a long way to preserve voting integrity and maintain public confidence in the voting process.
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Doing what is right to improve election security

Printed in the Daily Herald on Sunday, March 26, 2023 The winds of change nationally have brought an element of hostile, pointless, rude and sometimes threatening political challenges to the fore. This was in evidence at a recent Kane County Board meeting when someone from the odd, sinister-sounding “Three Headed Eagles” (even Russia has only ...