100 Parkers Mill
My office invites residents to attend a Mobile Office Hours event in Oswego on Monday, June 28 from 12:00 to 3:00 pm.
Our goal is to provide representatives from my district office in Aurora in a more convenient spot for those who live or work in the southwest portion of the 42nd District. Whether someone needs help with unemployment claims, a state agency or program, a FOID card issue, or answers to questions about other local or state issues, we are at your service.
Mobile Office Hours will be June 28, noon to 3:00 pm in the Community Room of the village of Oswego’s City Hall, 100 Parkers Mill in Oswego.
As we begin shifting out of pandemic mode, we welcome anyone to join us and have a face-to-face conversation!
Future mobile office hours dates and times will be shared as our schedule is finalized. Look forward to seeing you Monday afternoon!